Wednesday, May 14, 2008

talkin' bout a revolution...


there's always been just one band who's albums i could pop into my walkman, cd deck, or mp3 player whenever i felt anything less than %100, and instantly find myself again grounded.

never fails.

formed in 1980, while they were still in high school, Bad Religion came out tongues blazing, so to speak. they've had their ups, downs, line-up changes, and change-backs, but fourteen proper albums and numerous EPs, 7inches and complilations later, they're still that band for me.

American Jesus
Against The Grain
All There Is
Give You Nothing


"Dog Day Afternoon (1975)"


"Five Easy Pieces (1970)"


couple of trips in the wayback machine today. if you haven't seen either of these movies yet, you should probably just go watch Jackass one more time and fuck yourself.


i'm mostly kidding.


the revolution will be Olberized.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

dirt, blood, & oil...


a few years back, Brooklyn's Pilot To Gunner played here in Portland at a hot little club called Dante's, and i missed it for some stupid reason.

they went on "hiatus" shortly thereafter and my pants still have yet to recover from me kicking myself in them.

fucking pants.


taking a cue from mid-nineties post-punk a la Jawbox these guys do some serious pant kicking of their own. currently, all signs point to them working on finishing a new album, maybe some touring.

hell if i know.

go pick up some of their old stuff in preparation for their proud return, i say: "Hit The Ground & Hum (1999)", "Games At High Speeds (2000, re-released in 2003)", and "Get Saved (2004)".

Action Items



"Ravenous (1999)"

Guy Pearce. Robert Carlyle. Jeremy Davies.

in featuring three of my favorite male actors all in one beautifully disgusting dark tale based on the Native American myth of the Wendigo, this flick will always hold a special place at the top of my list of the horror greats.

i recommend you try it medium rare.



finally, the return of the old John "Straight Talk" McCain...

there are a few folks out there talking about this. the question is, why aren't WE ALL?

oh, and some douchebag on YouTube just posted this comment:

"I am not for bush, but nor Clinton nor Obama can just pull out of a war, you'd end up going back, the Military Provides jobs. and if theres no war, more people loose their jobs."

so we're in Iraq to save jobs now? interesting idea.. you fucking moron.

in other news, Mr. White turns 69 today.

happy fucking birthday, Harvey.