Thursday, April 3, 2008

real, real, real...


grunge killed Bell Biv Devoe.

this was good.

grunge killed Wilson Phillips.

this was also good.

grunge killed Warrant.

now, that was fucking amazing.

unfortunately, the loud, flannel-colored steamroller that was grunge also killed a few electro-punk pioneers in the process.

one of them was London's Jesus Jones.

now i know what you're thinking, "the 'Right Here Right Now' band, are you kidding Mr. Pink??"... no, not in the slightest.

some of you may not be aware of this, but, a long time ago, bands used to put out entire albums worth of songs at once, instead of just the "new hot singles" you might hear across the airwaves. many of these tunes were as good or better than those singles you were beaten incessantly across the face with.

no joke.

anyway, Jesus Jones, along with EMF, Ned's Atomic Dustbin, and a few others, were pretty much the electronic equivalent of grunge... just instead of mixing punk and pop with old school heavy metal, they utilized industrial and underground dance.

i'm done trying to convince you, listen for yourself:

Zeroes and Ones
One For The Money
Real, Real, Real


"All The Real Girls (2003)"

amazing movie by David Gordon Green ("George Washington") featuring some of the most painfully realistic dialog you never thought you'd want to see in a movie.

"Real Genius (1985)"

the original "Van Wilder".

"Lars and the Real Girl (2007)"

boy meets girl... sorta.


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